Where the community comes for a cup!
Welcome to Kaldi's Coffeehouse & Roastery, where our hand-roasted, small-batch coffee fuels a community-focused experience that brings people together over every cup.
The White Nile Organic Coffee Project was established by Kawacom in 1998 to promote the cultivation and sale of certified Arabica coffees in Uganda. The program supports approximately 8,000 smallholders in the region through agricultural training, social and environmental programs, cash management, and market access. Kawacom is an exporter in Uganda who started the Sipi Falls washing station on Mt Elgon more than 20 years ago.
Prior to its existence small coffee farm holders traditional processed and dried coffee at home in humble quantities resulting in inconsistent quality and thus the income they derived was very low. Once the Sipi Falls project was running farmers sold their ripe coffee cherry to the washing station and quality rose sharply as did farmer income, a win all around. The term "White Nile" is used because of the pale color the clay sediment turns the water.
The coffee is constantly turned throughout the day to ensure even drying, and drying will take approximately 3 weeks depending on the weather. The cherry is dried down to approximately 10.5% moisture content and then stored in grainpro to protect it. From this point the coffee is milled and prepared for export.
Cupping Characteristics: Subtle fruity aroma. Very clean and smooth with modest fruit intensity. Well processed coffee.
Purchased Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Organic “1867” Blend in June 2024. Dee T said, "Thanks for the quick delivery and the delicious coffee."
Purchased Kenya AA. James L said, "Great cup of coffee!"
Purchased Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Organic “1867” Blend. Avelia P said, "This is some of the best coffee I’ve made. It has great flavor without being acidic. Very good coffee, thank you!"